Fight for $15

1199SEIU President George Gresham joined Julian Bond, US Senator Kay Hagan and the Riverside Church’s Rev. James Forbes as featured speakers before the convention of the North Carolina NAACP in Fayetteville, NC on October 9-11.

Under the leadership of the Rev. Dr. William Barber II, the North Carolina NAACP has built a powerful, multiracial Forward Together movement for civil rights, voting rights, labor rights, immigrant rights, LGBT rights, preservation of public education and protection of the environment.

This became the agenda of the Moral Monday movement led by Rev. Barber throughout North Carolina in 2013 that has been replicated this year in a dozen other states, mainly in the South.

In keynoting the convention’ section on labor, Gresham said that “work should be about “dignity, about the reward you get from your labor.” He quoted Martin Luther King, Jr., “who said that there is no such thing as menial labor, only menial wages.”

He told the convention how much he appreciated their efforts at “building unity across lines of language, color and religion.”

“Our issues are important to us 365 days a year, not just at election time,” he said. “Those who have power have become too greedy and they are going after all of us. That’s why the Forward Together/Moral Monday movement is so important. It teaches us about unity in action.

Gresham was one of the first of 1000 Moral Monday arrestees, and was accompanied to last weekend’s convention by other 1199ers who also were arrested on Moral Mondays.

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