Fight for $15

“We’re concerned because continuity of care is a critical part of quality care—and what’s more important than that? If the sale is allowed to occur, not only will many of us either have reduced wages or no job at all — but also, the staff that our residents have come to trust and rely upon may not work here anymore.”

When: Press Conference: TODAY, Wednesday, July 15 at 12:30 p.m.

Picket: 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Where: Michael Malotz Skilled Nursing Pavilion, 120 Odell Avenue, Yonkers

What: Press Conference and Informational Picket: Interviews and Photo Opportunities


St. John’s Riverside is selling its Michael Malotz Skilled Nursing Pavilion. The potential new owner is a forprofit entity, Adira at Riverside Rehabilitation. The new owners are laying off 110 caregivers. Many of these workers have been working at the nursing home since the Malotz Pavilion opened its doors.

Last week a state court judge temporarily stopped the sale of Michael Malotz Skilled Nursing Pavilion to allow the Attorney General’s office and the Department of Health to review objections by 1199SEIU regarding the impact of the sale on quality care and caregivers. The objection is based upon the “failure of the buyer, Adira at Riverside Rehabilitation, to hire the caregivers who have been tending to the residents for years”.

Ray Outerbridge, a C.N.A. at Malotz said, “We’re concerned because continuity of care is a critical part of quality care—and what’s more important than that? If the sale is allowed to occur, not only will many of us either have reduced wages or no job at all — but also, the staff that our residents have come to trust and rely upon may not work here anymore.”

The workers currently have a contract with the League of Voluntary Hospitals and Nursing Homes. Through their contract, they earn a living wage and have health and pension benefits. They are asking that quality care and continuity of care are of utmost concern when decisions about the sale of the Pavilion are being considered.

“One can‘t help but wonder who is looking out for the residents here,” said Maria Kercado, 1199SEIU Executive Vice President. The dedicated workers who have been here for years are being asked to reapply for their jobs and Adira is offering $10.00 an hour without pension benefits and health insurance that is unaffordable. A stable workforce means continuity of care and quality care. The workers know that. When healthcare workers are not distracted by trying to make ends meet at home and staff morale is high, quality care improves. St. John’s Riverside and Adira are creating an unnecessary disturbance for the residents and their caregivers.”

Adira’s response, without concern for caregivers, residents and community has been seen before. They own and operate Sprain Brook Manor in Scarsdale, where the healthcare workers are 1199SEIU members. The workers at Sprain Brook have struggled with this employer for years. They have had their wages and benefits cut, union positions have been eliminated and subcontracted to outside corporations and they have violated labor law multiple times.


1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East is the largest and fastest-growing healthcare union in America. We represent over 400,000 nurses and caregivers throughout Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Washington, D.C. and Florida. Our mission is to achieve quality care and good jobs for all

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