Fight for $15

"Working people applaud the New York Times editorial board for their strong, ongoing support for a $15 minimum wage. Over three million New Yorkers, including nurse assistants, homecare workers, childcare workers, security guards, adjunct professors and airport workers would benefit from raising the minimum wage. The $15 minimum wage would boost the economy and reduce low-wage workers' reliance on public assistance. But this is not only about improving the economy, it is also about the moral character of New York and what kind of state we want to be. We need to ensure dignity, security, and opportunity for all working families. By raising the wage here in New York, we can lead the entire nation toward a more just future where hard work is rewarded with fair pay. Working New Yorkers call on the state legislature to take bold moral action and pass the $15 minimum wage by April 1."

-George Gresham, Chair of the Mario Cuomo Campaign for Economic Justice and President of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East.

Read the full editorial here:

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