1199SEIU’s support for LGBTQ rights predates the formation our union’s Lavender Caucus in 2002. The caucus centralized the union’s ad hoc support for LGBTQ issues under a group dedicated to working closely with labor and LGBTQ organizations in New York and other 1199SEIU regions. The caucus also cooperates in efforts with the AFL-CIO’s Pride at Work constituency.
1199SEIU represents workers at LGBTQ organizations, including the Human Rights Campaign, the largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer civil rights organization. Some of these members have been profiled in union publications.
Our union is proud of our long record working in political and legislative arenas on the behalf of LGBTQ rights. Union leadership and members have marched and lobbied for marriage equality and the Equality Act, which would protect LGBT workers from employment discrimination.