The Living is Easy
September 5, 2022
... when it’s summertime, and you’re an 1199 kid!
The outdoor camp program is administered by the 1199SEIU Child Care Corporation and has traditionally served between 850 and 900 kids annually.
During the height of the pandemic, the program had to scale back. But this summer, it is almost back up to speed, accommodating more than 700 Union kids at 20 camps with activities ranging from athletics to fine arts and technology, and, of course, outdoor activities. There are also programs for teenaged, disabled and special needs campers.
This July, 1199 Magazine visited the Hands In 4 Youth (Camp Vacamas) in West Milford, NJ, a sleep away camp that sits on 250 acres of land and provides a wide range of summer activities as well as day camps and after school programs throughout the year. Janneris Geraldo, Director of Programs, has worked at Hands In 4 Youth for the past 17 years, and is excited to have the camp back almost at full speed. “When the pandemic hit, it was hard. What worked for us is that since the majority of our activities are outside, we constantly have them out and moving around.
We were able to keep our day camp open, and in 2021, we had our sleepaway camp return. And in all that time, we haven’t had any [COVID-19] cases, which is great.”
Ulises Becera, 15, talked about the preparation for the hike: “I’ve learned a lot of skills here; I’ve gotten better at swimming.”
When asked what’s her favorite part of camp, Gessie St. Jacques, 10, didn’t hesitate, “Crafts! I love the bracelets we got to make.” Her friend, Denise Lema, 11, is more practical, “I like learning about which bugs are harmful or not; like there’s two spiders out here, the wolf spider is dangerous so watch out for those.” Another camper, Nemiah Laponte, 11, talked about learning skills and new experiences, “We got to do “floating lunch” [eating lunch on a boat]. And I learned how to build my own fire and cook food and how to make a shelter.
It’s really fun!” The program is open to children of eligible members covered under the National Benefit Fund and the Greater New York Child Care Fund.
The 1199SEIU Child Care Corporation offers opportunities for parents to learn about summer camp, including a Virtual Camp Fair each fall and Virtual Parent Seminar each winter.
For more information, call 212-564-2220 ext. 3460, or email: AnneShoreCampProgram
1199 Magazine - July / August 2022