1199 Magazine

Jul 9, 2018
The 1199 Professional & Technical Department held a union-wide meeting for Certified Substance Abuse Counselors (CASAC) on April 24 at…
Jul 9, 2018
Since collective bargaining rights were written into law eight decades ago there hasn’t been such a hostile political environment for…
Jul 6, 2018
As attacks against our labor movement intensify, 1199 is responding on various fronts, chief among them the stepping up of its leadership…
Jul 6, 2018
Benefits under threat, NYU Langone workers stand up to the healthcare mega system.
Jul 6, 2018
1199SEIU’s collective bargaining agreement with the League of Voluntary Hospitals and Homes covers some 80,000 workers in lower New York…
May 1, 2018
March is National Social Work Month. 1199SEIU represents more than 2,000 social workers who are employed in a variety of settings. These…
May 1, 2018
Maurice Gray started his career as a high school teacher in Jamaica. It was not until he came to join his sister in New York in the 1980s…
Apr 30, 2018
Coretta Scott King, the wife and fellow activist of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., also occupies a place of honor in 1199’s history.
Apr 30, 2018
For more than a year, some 150 1199 members at George Washington University Hospital (GWUH) have been locked in a battle for a contract with…
Apr 30, 2018
These are tough times for working people. Nothing new about that, as I’m sure you know. But they’re about to get a whole lot tougher as the…

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