1199 Magazine

Feb 23, 2021
What started as a hospital beautification project has become a historic initiative that’s transforming healthcare and addressing long…
Feb 22, 2021
Healthcare workers are among the first in the nation to be eligible to take the new COVID-19 vaccine—which evidence shows will provide…
Feb 22, 2021
Millions of Bandaided biceps signal a return to normalcy: the COVID-19 vaccine rollout is under way.
Feb 22, 2021
I received my first COVID-19 vaccination shot at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx on Jan. 20. Except for a slightly sore arm, I feel…
Feb 22, 2021
1199ers and community members from the Rochester, NY-area gathered on Zoom Jan. 18 for the 40th Annual Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther…
Feb 22, 2021
Frustrated 1199ers at four New York City clinics run by Planned Parenthood of Greater New York (PPGNY) held informational pickets Jan. 7 to…
Feb 18, 2021
After four years of the most corrupt, dishonest, cruel, racist, misogynistic, incompetent, science- and fact adverse administration in…
Feb 18, 2021
February is Black History Month. For generations of American pupils, this time of year meant an annual, cursory lecture on George Washington…
Jan 19, 2021
Our Union mourns the death of one of its greatest friends, David Dinkins. New York City’s only African American mayor passed away Nov. 23 at…
Jan 19, 2021
With the exception of Maryland- D.C. and Florida districts, 1199 is not generally viewed as a political force below the nation’s Mason-Dixon…

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