1199 Magazine

Jan 11, 2021
Workers at Humboldt House, a rehabilitation and nursing center in Buffalo, NY, in October settled a new contract that includes significant…
Jan 11, 2021
The New York City Labor Chorus has kicked off its rehearsals on Zoom in preparation for performances celebrating its 30th Anniversary.…
Jan 11, 2021
1199SEIU members at four Buffalo area nursing homes owned by the McGuire Group last September ratified a new, one-and-a-half year collective…
Jan 11, 2021
In the midst of the greatest public health crisis in a century, no group of workers has been more needed and more quickly rose to the…
Jan 11, 2021
With any luck, as you read this, moving trucks are on their way to Washington, DC.
Nov 2, 2020
Hospitals don’t stay in good working order on their own. It takes crews of experienced professionals who can manage complicated systems, fix…
Oct 30, 2020
We never know where life’s path may lead: Registered Nurse Vinnie Ioele is living proof of how much things can change.
Oct 30, 2020
I am the uncle of Jacob Blake, whom you’ve likely heard of because in Kenosha, Wisconsin, where Jacob lives, a policeman shot him in the…
Oct 30, 2020
From its founding, 1199’s commitment to social and economic justice led it to the political arena. Founded in 1932 as a drug workers’ union…
Oct 30, 2020
Election Day is just a few days away, and with its results, the fate of our country and a world already engulfed in chaos—a world that’s…

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