1199 Magazine

Jun 7, 2019
Under New York State law, hospital pharmacy technicians have for decades been allowed to mix batches of medication under the direction of a…
Jun 7, 2019
After months of testimony and support from a coalition led by 1199SEIU, Maryland lawmakers passed a bill in April allowing doctors, nurse…
Jun 7, 2019
New collective bargaining agreements at Vassar Brothers Medical Center and Orange Regional Medical Center are a demonstration of increasing…
Jun 5, 2019
In the labor movement, as across the rest of society, acceptance of climate change and its effects has been a mixed bag. But increasingly…
Jun 4, 2019
Fifty years ago, in the spring of 1959, some 450 workers at two Charleston, South Carolina, hospitals struck for more than three months for…
Jun 4, 2019
With next year’s Presidential and Congressional elections, everything we’ve achieved, hold dear, and hope for our children is at stake. So…
Jun 4, 2019
For Mother’s Day this year, we heard from 1199SEIU “kids“ about how their mother’s Union membership made their lives better.
Jun 4, 2019
1199 is unique in this world. Our Union was founded not only as a workers’ rights organization, but also as one of freedom fighters. Written…
May 2, 2019
These days, it's easy to go down the rabbit hole of “why”. We’re bombarded with motivation analysis. And the pitch of that conversation is…
Apr 17, 2019
These 1199ers care for New York State’s North Country. Just above the Adirondack Mountains in Northeastern New York State lies the North…

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