1199 Magazine

Jul 5, 2017
A relieved group of 1199SEIU members at Hudson Park Nursing Home in Albany, NY unanimously ratified a collective bargaining agreement in…
Jun 30, 2017
The Human Rights Campaign & the National LGBTQ Task Force 1199SEIU represents workers at the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and the National…
Jun 30, 2017
Bill Pigford, a Unit Specialist at Prince George’s Hospital Center in Cheverly, MD, says he has no time for people who did not bother to…
Jun 30, 2017
1199SEIU’s Asian American Pacific Islander Caucus held its annual celebration on May 23 in the Union’s Cherkasky/Davis Penthouse. The event…
Jun 30, 2017
Opponents of a plan to store gas near Seneca Lake in the Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York declared a partial victory in mid-May when…
Jun 28, 2017
I’m so proud of 1199SEIU for many reasons, but one that I’m most proud about is our diversity. There are 19 countries in the world and I’d…
May 18, 2017
Dr. Leana Wen has served as Baltimore, Maryland’s City Health Commissioner since January, 2015. Before taking the job she was an emergency…
May 18, 2017
1199SEIU represents tens of thousands of Professional and Technical workers and Registered Nurses.
May 18, 2017
Monnie Callan has been a union activist for more than half her life. And with a recent celebration marking her 90th birthday, that is…
May 18, 2017
Not since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also called Obamacare, had the stakes been so high. From coast to coast, people…

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