1199 Magazine

Mar 22, 2017
1199ers marched throughout the regions—along with millions from Antarctica to Accra, Ghana—to tell the White House that human rights aren’t…
Mar 21, 2017
Repealing the Affordable Care Act without a replacement. Medicaid block grants. 1199ers are on the frontlines of the battle for our…
Mar 20, 2017
1199SEIU and the National Benefit Fund are again making available a free tax prep program for members, so they can pay only the taxes they…
Mar 20, 2017
Well, that didn’t take long. And we can’t say we weren’t warned. One month into his presidency, the man who ran the most racist, sexist,…
Dec 16, 2016
1199SEIU has long been a leader in campaigns for pro-worker policies and politicians. As such, the overwhelming majority of its political…
Dec 16, 2016
This year was one of historic victories and, for many of us, heartbreaking 1199ers helped scores of working-family friendly candidates win…
Dec 15, 2016
Members at New York’s Legal Aid Society are getting ready to head to the negotiating table. At press time, talks for the 1199 bargaining…
Dec 14, 2016
A month has now passed since the results of the presidential elections set in. And there are still six weeks to go before President Obama…
Oct 20, 2016
Participants in this year’s Youth Mentoring Program (YMP) celebrated their growth and achievement with a celebration held Aug. 18 at…
Oct 19, 2016
The economic crisis of 2007- 2008 was precipitated largely by a collapse of the sub-prime home mortgage market; these loans were peddled…

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