1199 Magazine

Aug 26, 2016
Scores of 1199SEIU members, their families and local supporters held an informational picket at Lawrence Hospital in Bronxville, NY Aug. 23…
Aug 26, 2016
Scores of 1199SEIU members, their families and local supporters held an informational picket at Lawrence Hospital in Bronxville, NY Aug. 23…
Aug 26, 2016
Scores of 1199SEIU members, their families and local supporters held an informational picket at Lawrence Hospital in Bronxville, NY Aug. 23…
Jun 9, 2016
This issue of "Our Life & Times" arrives as many of our sisters and brothers in the LGBTQ community are celebrating Pride Month. And no ...
Jun 9, 2016
With Donald Trump the presumed Republican candidate for President, here are the ways he would be good for us healthcare workers and 1199...
Jun 9, 2016
This issue of "Our Life & Times" arrives as many of our sisters and brothers in the LGBTQ community are celebrating Pride Month. And no ...
Feb 25, 2016
1199ers in New York State?s Central New York District continue to work with broad swaths of the community to prevent the storage of haza...
Oct 26, 2015
At a Town Hall meeting on Sept. 29 in Union City, NJ scores of 1199SEIU members gathered to share stories about how inadequate staffing ...
Oct 26, 2015
I was just scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed when I came across a great 1199 post: A big, pink ?1199SEIU Stands With Planned Parent...
Aug 12, 2015
Throughout the histories of the labor and progressive movements, 1199SEIU is lauded as a highly disciplined army of activists for justice…

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