Statement From 1199SEIU Florida On Protecting/Supporting Haitians As Nation Endures Escalating Political Unrest/Gang Violence
March 26, 2024
“The escalating political unrest and gang violence in Haiti is a tragedy and must be addressed with swift, serious action to protect innocent people on the island, as well as our Haitian brothers, sisters and family members who need refuge in the United States,” said Roxey Nelson, Executive Vice President of 1199SEIU Florida, the largest union of healthcare workers in the state. “In addition to support and security inside Haiti, we need fair, humane immigration policies here in this country, no matter who is seeking asylum. The violence in Haiti, government crackdowns in Cuba and other conflicts all impact our communities, especially here in Florida. At a minimum, we shouldn’t have governors and other cynical politicians in Florida, Texas and other states pushing cruel, dangerous policies, sabotaging the border bill, or pulling crass stunts like flying immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard.
Immediate government actions should include:
-- Congress releasing the $40 million security aid package that was passed to bolster security in Haiti and protect its citizens from gang violence.
-- Restore the democratic process and the ability for Haitian people to participate in free and fair elections.
-- Halt deportations and extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) of Haitians while the country engulfed in crisis.
-- Expedite the Biden Administration’s humanitarian parole program for Haitians, Cubans, Venezuelans and Nicaraguans requesting asylum.”
“A great percentage of our caregivers, workers and member leaders are Haitian, so we know just how grave the situation has become. This is very personal for us,” said Margarette Nerette, Vice President of Long Term Care for 1199SEIU Florida. “While providing quality, compassionate care for sick and elderly Floridians in nursing homes and hospitals here, these dedicated members also are worrying deeply about the dangers their own friends and family members back in Haiti.”
“The humanitarian crisis in Haiti has reached critical levels and should be a concern for all of us, especially here in Florida where the impact is being felt first and hardest,” said Jude Derisme, Vice President of 1199SEIU Florida. “If we’re in a position to take positive steps to solve an emergency, we should do what’s right, or we’ll all suffer the consequences of inaction. We live in a global ecosystem so instability in one area will always affect another. We can’t hide behind a curtain of isolation or inaction, or we’ll all suffer the consequences.”
Among other events, member leaders of 1199SEIU will participate in a rally March 30 in West Palm Beach to call for actions/policies to support and protect Haitians. For more information, email
1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East is the largest union of healthcare workers in Florida, representing more than 30,000 active and retired caregivers across the state. Members of 1199SEIU serve in about 80 nursing homes and 30 hospitals in Florida.
Media contact:
Ed Gilhuly
305-807-6906 /
Men Déklarasyon ké sendika 1199 SEIU nan Florid la fé sou zafé Proteksyon/Sipô pou Ayisyen
Pandan ké péyi Dayiti ap soufri anba vyolans gang yo avék sitiyasyon politik mizérab la.
Dézod politik ak vyolans ké gang yo ap simen an Ayiti-a, sé yon trajedi total kapital. Sitiyasyon sa dwé sispan, alos fôk nou adrésé li rapidman, épi pran desizyon séryé pou nou pwotéjé moun nan péyi Dayiti ansanm ak frè ayisyen sè ak fanmi you ki bezwen refij ozétazini," sé sa Roxey Nelson, ki sé vis Prézidan Egzekitif 1199 SEIU Florid, pi gwo inyon santé nan ki té fé déklarasyon sila. "Anplis dé sipò ak sékirité andédan péyi Dayiti, nou vlé yon administrazyon politik ki réspékté dwa dé lòm, yon plan imigrasyon ozétazini ki trété moun kap chaché azil yo égal égo. Vyolans an Ayiti a, anbago nan péyi Kiba ak anpil lot komplikasyon, ap kréyé yon dividal pwoblém nan kominoté nou yo, éspésyalman nan Florid la. Nou pa ta dwé gen gouvéné ak politisyen malvéyan nan Florid, nan Tékzas ak lòt éta kap fòsé pousé yon séri dé mové lwa ak régléman ki pou anpéché la lwa frontyé a oswa fé men vyé zak tankou voyé yon pakét imigran nan Martha’s Vinyeard nan éta Massachusetts.
Men aksyson rapid ké gouvéman an dwé pran:
- Kongrè a ta dwé délagé 40 milyon dola ké yo té voté pou ranfòse sékirité an Ayiti pou yo sa pwotéjé sitwayen péyi Dayiti kont gang malfékté.
- Retabli métod demokratik la pou Ayisyen nan péyi yo gen dwa ak kapasité pou yo vote nan éléksyon nòmal, san magouy.
- Sispan depòtasyon yo, épi pwolonjé Estati Pwotéksyon Tanporè a (TPS) pandan péy Dayiti ap travésé kriz politiksa.
- Aksléré pwogram libérasyon imanitè Administrasyon Biden nan pou Ayisyen, Kiben, Venezyelyen ak Nikaragweyen kap mandé azil politik."
"Yon gwo pousantaj travayé, moun kap bay swen santé yo, ansanm ak lidé nou yo, sé ayisyen yo yé, alòs sé konsa nou konen kijan sitiyasyon an grav nan péyi Dayiti. " Margarette Nerette, Vis Pwezidan, 1199SEIU Florid pou Seksyon moun ajé, di konsa “Sitiyasyon sa trè pèsonèl pou nou”. "Pandan ké travayé nou yo ap bay bon jan kalité swen ak konpasyon pou moun ki malad ak ti granmoun ki nan mezon retrèt, nan lopital ak lakay yo, menm travayé sa yo tou ap enkyété yo pou fanmi yo ak zanmi yo kap viv nan péyi Dayiti.
"Koken chen Kriz imanitè an Ayiti a rivé nan yon nivo kritik é nou tout ta dwé inkyété nou désa, espesyalman isit la nan Florid, paské se isit la nou santi li plis, épi li pi di pou nou, " Sé Jude Derismé, Vis president nan 1199SEIU Florid, ki di sa. "Si nou nan yon pozisyon pou nou aji pou nou rezoud sa an ijans, nou ta dwe fè sa ki dwat, oswa nou tout pral soufri konsekans yo si nou pa fé sa rapid . Nap viv nan yon sistem mondyal ki instab, koté pwoblém yon Koté afékté yon lot koté. Nou pa ka rété kaché nan kwen pa nou san nou pa fé anyen, san sa, nou tout pral tout soufri konsekans yo."
Pami lòt evènman, manm ki lidè nan 1199SEIU pral patisipé nan yon rasanbleman, lé 30 mas nan West Palm Beach pou yo mandé tout moun pou aji /planifyé pou sipò ak pwotéksyon pou Ayisyen. Si nou ta bézwen plis enfomasyon sou mouvman sa, voyé yon imèl bay:
1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East is the largest union of healthcare workers in Florida, representing more than 30,000 active and retired caregivers across the state. Members of 1199SEIU serve in about 80 nursing homes and 30 hospitals in Florida.
Media contact:
Ed Gilhuly
305-807-6906 /