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Apr 11, 2019
Budget provides a boost for nursing homes, PCAs and other crucial programs that care for state’s most vulnerable residents
Apr 1, 2019
1199SEIU President George Gresham released the following statement today regarding the passage of the FY2020 New York State budget
Mar 29, 2019
New York, NY- As New York State’s budget deadline gets closer, and as Washington tries to destroy the Affordable Care Act in the courts, on…
Mar 5, 2019
New York, NY- Hundreds of workers, members of 1199SEIU, braved the cold and came out at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital to send a clear…
Mar 5, 2019
New York, NY- Hundreds of workers, members of 1199SEIU, braved the cold and came out at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital to send a clear…
Feb 20, 2019
Mt. Kisco- NY-Dozens of service and maintenance workers at the Northern Westchester Hospital gathered with family and supporters for an…


Sep 4, 2018
In the Labor Power 50, we recognize top labor leaders who are key players in the world of New York politics and government. It’s also worth…
Aug 30, 2018
Although New York state has passed $15 minimum wage legislation, there are thousands of home health care workers, mostly immigrant women of…
Aug 28, 2018
When Phiwa Nkosi gave birth to her son nine years ago, she was handed a packet of forms to fill out the day she was discharged from Bellevue…
Aug 12, 2018
Final preparation is underway for the colorful costume-packed, music-filled New York Caribbean Carnival.
Aug 7, 2018
Dana Balter has secured her first union endorsement as she aims to unseat U.S. Rep. John Katko in the 24th Congressional District race.
Aug 2, 2018
Last month, we learned that corporate tax receipts are near a 75-year low as a share of the overall economy and that the federal budget…
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