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Nov 1, 2023
New York State Assemblymember Meeks Calls on URMC To Settle Fair Agreement
Oct 27, 2023
Healthcare & Service Workers Demand Living Wage To Recruit & Retain More Staff While Leaders At University of Rochester Have Seen Their…
Oct 27, 2023
Informational Picket & Press Conference Set For This Week Called-Off After Downstate For-Profit Owners Began Paying Two of Three Owed…
Oct 25, 2023
“The selection of Rep. Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House—with unanimous Republican support—underscores how entirely out-of-step the…
Oct 25, 2023
Informational Picket Set for Wednesday Is Now Called-Off. A Press Conference Will Be Held Friday If Caregivers Do Not Begin Receiving Their…
Oct 24, 2023
Caregivers Win 18% Wage Increases, Improvements in Health Insurance & Other Benefits


Jun 10, 2019
Landlords and developers, fending off a new Democratic majority and proposed rent laws, have adopted some of the tactics of their…
May 13, 2019
ALBANY — Labor leaders are turning their political muscle toward the fight for rent reform.
Apr 9, 2019
The City Council is moving quickly to pass a “green buildings” bill that would dramatically reduce the carbon emissions of every building in…
Mar 28, 2019
A federal judge in Washington threw a significant roadblock into the Trump administration’s efforts to compel poor people on Medicaid to…
Mar 27, 2019
It’s a promising new drug for multiple myeloma, one of the most savage blood cancers. Called Ninlaro, it can be taken as a pill, sparing…
Mar 26, 2019
Only hours after after a bill that would legalize marijuana in New Jersey was shelved over a lack of support, Gov. Phil Murphy on Monday…
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