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Oct 12, 2018
Contract Includes Maintains Health Benefits With Little or No Cost To 1199 Members
Oct 12, 2018
Contract Includes Maintains Health Benefits With Little or No Cost To 1199 Members
Oct 11, 2018
New York, NY – President George Gresham has released the following statement regarding the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the United…
Sep 6, 2018
Miami, FL — Registered nurses and healthcare workers from the state’s largest healthcare union, 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East,…
Jul 27, 2018
Pushed to the edge by hospital management, 1199SEIU healthcare workers at Mount St. Mary’s Hospital voted today to give their Negotiating…
Jul 25, 2018
It’s been a long haul for the nurses, lab and tech staff, and service and maintenance workers who have been trying to negotiate a fair…


Jun 7, 2018
Certified nursing assistants that bathe, dress and do much more for residents at New Jersey nursing homes woke up to new prospects under…
Jun 6, 2018
Update: Mayor Lovely Warren and other Democratic leaders joined Wednesday in calling on Jordan Health to accept a federal mediator's…
Jun 5, 2018
Nearly 70 local healthcare workers at Jordan Health in Rochester are back on strike.
Jun 4, 2018
Anthony Jordan Health Center officials doubled down Monday on a proposal offered to unionized workers last week, even as workers are poised…
Jun 1, 2018
This morning-- we're waiting to see if the anthony jordan health center will agree to a settlement accepted by its worker's union. the…
Jun 1, 2018
The Jordan Health Center was one of the first community health service providers in America.
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