Gerontology Nursing ANCC Certification Review Course
July 24, 2019
November 14 & 15, 2019
310 W. 43 Street
New York, NY
8:30AM - 4:30PM
The 1199SEIU League of Registered Nurses Office of Continuing Education fosters the professional growth and development of its RN members and the nursing community at large. We are committed to providing quality need specific continuing education programs that are reflective of current issues and trends in healthcare and nursing.
PURPOSE: This Educational Activity will build upon the knowledge base of the experienced psychiatric nurses and help them prepare for passing the ANCC Geriatric Nursing Certification. It will also serve as a refresher course for those who are currently certified and wish to renew their certification by either contact hours or seating for the examination.
TARGET AUDIENCE: This course is designed for all experienced Geriatric Nurses who will be sitting for the ANCC Certification Examination for the first time, as well as those who are currently certified and seeking renewaL.
PayPal Code: GER52017
Free for eligible 1199 members | $220 for non-eligible 1199 members & for non 1199 members
Program Highlights:
• Health Issues
• Communications
• Nursing Process
• Lifestyle, Health Changes, and Vulnerability of the Adult
• Education
• Health Promotion and Wellness
• Management/Leadership
• Legal and Ethical Issues
REGISTRATIONS FOR ELIGIBLE MEMBERS: This is a 2-day educational benefit at no cost for all 1199 nurses whose employer contributes to the 1199 RN Training and Upgrading Fund. If you are not certain that you work at a contributing institution, please call Isabel Rodriguez for clarification at 212.857-4315.
Please fill out the attached registration form completely and legibly and fax it to 212.603.1140 REGISTRATION FOR NON- ELGIBLE 1199 REGISTRANTS:
1199 members from Non-participating institutions at a cost of $220 in advance and $240 at the door & Non-1199 registrants may take this class at $260 in advance and $280 at the door. Please be sure to make Checks or Money Orders should be made payable to: THE 1199 LEAGUE OF REGISTERED NURSES
Non-eligible 1199 registrants may also register online @ and use the PayPal app.