News & Information

Soy un trabajador de la salud de primera línea y he visto los terribles efectos de esta pandemia de cerca, todos los días, durante nueve meses.
The 2020 general election was historic. President Elect Joe Biden won more than 80 million votes -- the most votes of any presidential candidate in history. Kamala Harris will be the first woman and person of color to serve as Vice President. Together, they waged a successful campaign that called for unity, science-based tactics to address the coronavirus pandemic as well as social, racial and economic reforms.
The hardworking women and men of 1199SEIU have been on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic for nine months. During this time, they have bravely fought to save lives, even through the fear of contracting the disease and endangering the lives of their loved ones.
1999 Was a Banner Year
Livingston Hills Nursing Home workers, members of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, and their supporters are critically concerned about the health of at-risk nursing home residents during the COVID pandemic, because the owner of the facility is intending to take away the health benefits of the frontline line workers. To that end, they are holding a candlelight vigil, urging the owner, Jeffrey Vegh to rescind that decision.
This holiday season, I'm more grateful than ever to be part of our union family with you. THANK YOU for showing what it means to be essential.
1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East member political organizers (MPOs) played a big part in recent election victories. From President-Elect Joe Biden’s historic win to the approval of Amendment 2 giving 2.5 million Floridians a path to a $15 minimum wage, the comprehensive voter turnout campaign waged by 1199SEIU MPOs contributed to the record number of voters who cast ballots.
When 1199 became the first Union to oppose the war in Vietnam, it did not represent the views of the leadership alone, but also large sections of the membership. That made it possible for 1199 Executive Secretary Moe Foner to play a leading role in organizing the 1965 Leadership Assembly for Peace in Chicago.
All sessions will focus on key health issues to include: Fundamentals, Known and Unknown Factors, Impact, Safety and Preparedness.