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Healthcare Workers Fight For $15!

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Healthcare workers have dedicated their lives to providing quality care, but too many caregivers are trapped in poverty. Many healthcare workers make less than $15 an hour and are struggling to pay for food, housing, utilities and other basic essentials. This has a negative impact on patient care, because low wages hurt recruitment and retention of qualified caregivers.

The Fight For $15 is not just about low-wage caregivers, it is about the future of all healthcare jobs and our entire industry. By raising up our low-wage sisters and brothers, we can put upward pressure on employers to improve wages for every healthcare worker. Our vision is that ALL healthcare jobs should be good jobs with a living wage, health benefits and a union. This fight is even more urgent as billionaires keep amassing more wealth, undermining our economy and our democracy.

Fill out the form to the right to get involved today – Together, healthcare workers can win the Fight For $15 for ALL working people!

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ALBANY ? Gov. Cuomo is turning to his late father?s shining moment to help sell his push for a $15 minimum wage.
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Miami, FL ? At a town hall on February 24 about the senior care crisis, Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado announced that he will present a reso...
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