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Healthcare Workers Fight For $15!

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Healthcare workers have dedicated their lives to providing quality care, but too many caregivers are trapped in poverty. Many healthcare workers make less than $15 an hour and are struggling to pay for food, housing, utilities and other basic essentials. This has a negative impact on patient care, because low wages hurt recruitment and retention of qualified caregivers.

The Fight For $15 is not just about low-wage caregivers, it is about the future of all healthcare jobs and our entire industry. By raising up our low-wage sisters and brothers, we can put upward pressure on employers to improve wages for every healthcare worker. Our vision is that ALL healthcare jobs should be good jobs with a living wage, health benefits and a union. This fight is even more urgent as billionaires keep amassing more wealth, undermining our economy and our democracy.

Fill out the form to the right to get involved today – Together, healthcare workers can win the Fight For $15 for ALL working people!

Jan 8, 2016
Albany, NY ? On the heels of the launch of the Mario Cuomo Campaign for Economic Justice, labor leaders, community advocates, businesses...
Jan 8, 2016
1199ers of every size carried a big message to Albany, NY yesterday: workers deserve a living wage. Members and their families joined la...
Jan 7, 2016
?We applaud the Independent Democratic Conference?s endorsement of a $15 wage for homecare and other human service workers as well as th...
Jan 6, 2016
Albany, NY ? Ahead of a State Senate hearing on the minimum wage, workers earning less than $15 an hour will join economists, labor lead...
Jan 6, 2016
The following statement can be attributed to George Gresham, Chair of the Mario Cuomo Campaign for Economic Justice and President of 119...
Jan 4, 2016
Gov. Cuomo, Labor Unions, Advocacy Organizations, Clergy, Civil Rights Leaders, And Elected Officials Join Together To Support New York?...
Dec 29, 2015
This was an exciting year for 1199SEIU?s growing membership base, with nearly 4,000 workers joining in 2015. This new membership include...
Dec 22, 2015
BOSTON, MA ? This afternoon, workers at the largest safety net hospital in New England inked a deal with their employer to ensure a mini...
Dec 10, 2015
WHAT: Candlelight Vigil WHO: 1199SEIU caregivers, residents, family, clergy, elected officials, community leaders
Dec 9, 2015
199 members are holding walk-ins in hospitals across New York City today to demand that employers respect the rights of workers and incl...
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