Statement of 1199SEIU on the Crisis in Haiti
May 20, 2024
English | Kreyòl
As a union of healthcare workers, many thousands of whom belong to the Haitian diaspora, we are appalled by the crisis gripping the country. We call for the immediate end to political and gang-related violence in Haiti and the reestablishment of self-governance with democratic elections. The Haitian people deserve the ability to self-govern and establish their country through democratic elections without interference or intrusion.
The world community and the United States cannot ignore this crisis. Immediate US actions must include:
• Congressional release of the $40 million in aid to bolster security in Haiti and protect its citizens from gang violence.
• Halting deportations and extending Temporary Protected Status (TPS) of Haitians residing in the US, many of whom are a crucial economic lifeline to their family back home.
• Expediting the Biden Administration’s humanitarian parole program for Haitians, Cubans, Venezuelans, and Nicaraguans requesting asylum.
The successive crises experienced by Haiti over many decades do not live in a vacuum. From its very founding as an independent nation, when self-liberated slaves were forced to pay reparations to their former enslavers, Haiti has existed in a cycle of odious debt and political instability.
The Haitian people deserve a future with dignity and prosperity. This requires other nations, including the United States, to right past wrongs and support Haitians in a time of great need. Haiti must be allowed the resources to ensure its security, civil society, and democracy.
Deklarasyon 1199SEIU sou Kriz la ann Ayiti
Antanke sendika travayè swen sante, kote plizyè milye nan yo fè pati dyaspora ayisyen an, nou sezi anpil ak kriz k ap frape peyi a. Nou mande pou mete fen imedyatman nan vyolans politik ak vyolans ki anrapò ak gang ann Ayiti epi retabli otonomi gouvènan avèk eleksyon demokratik. Pèp ayisyen an merite kapasite pou gouvène tèt li epi etabli peyi li atravè eleksyon demokratik san entèferans oswa foure pye.
Kominote mondyal la ak Etazini pa kapab inyore kriz sa a. Aksyon tousuit Etazini yo dwe gen ladan yo:
• Pou Kongrè a debloke èd 40 milyon dola yo pou ranfòse sekirite ann Ayiti epi pwoteje sitwayen li yo kont vyolans gang.
• Sispann depòtasyon yo epi pwolonje Estati Pwoteksyon Tanporè (Temporary Protected Status, TPS) pou Ayisyen ki abite Ozetazini yo, kote anpil nan yo se sipò ekonomik enpòtan anpil pou fanmi yo nan peyi yo.
• Akselere pwogram admisyon sou kondisyon pou rezon imanitè Administrasyon Biden lan pou Ayisyen, Kiben, Venezyelyen, ak Nikaragweyen k ap mande azil.
Kriz youn apre lòt Ayiti te sibi pandan anpil deseni pa izole parapò ak enfliyans deyò. Depi lè li te fenk fonde antanke nasyon endepandan, lè esklav yo ki te libere tèt yo te oblije peye reparasyon bay ansyen esklavajis yo, Ayiti te egziste nan yon sik dèt abominab e enstabilite politik.
Pèp Ayisyen an merite yon avni ki gen diyite ak pwosperite. Sa mande pou lòt nasyon yo, sa gen ladan l Etazini, korije tò pase yo epi soutni ayisyen yo nan yon moman kote yo gen trè gwo bezwen. Yo dwe akòde Ayiti resous pou asire sekirite li, sosyete sivil la, epi demokrasi.