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May 5, 2022
We are healthcare workers. We work on the frontlines to keep our communities safe and healthy. No matter our job title or department, we…
May 2, 2022
La Sesión Legislativa del 2022 fue un reto significativo por que el gobernador y el liderazgo republicano continúan otorgando favores a las…
May 2, 2022
The 2022 Florida Legislative Session was a significant challenge as the governor and Republican leadership continued to carve out favors for…
Apr 25, 2022
“The members of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East stand with lawmakers who protested the brazen manipulation of Florida’s…
Apr 21, 2022
When NYS Council of Churches head Rev. Peter Cook said last month that, “the time is up for paying these guardian angels a living wage,” he…
Apr 21, 2022
With the death of Edward (Eddie) Kay on Feb. 15, the progressive movement lost one of its most celebrated organizers. Kay stepped down from…
Apr 21, 2022
Finding and holding onto an affordable place to live has never been easy, especially when rents are rising faster than wages in many U.S.…
Apr 19, 2022
Massachusetts members voted overwhelmingly to ratify new four-year contracts in February with Cape Cod Healthcare institutions, which will…
Apr 19, 2022
Massachusetts members welcomed new home care members into their ranks, when 400 workers from 10 Elara Caring sites voted to join 1199SEIU…
Apr 19, 2022
1199SEIU home care members and their community allies across New York State were celebrating a victory in early April when Governor Kathy…

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