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Jul 23, 2021
The 450,000 healthcare workers of 1199SEIU, United Healthcare Workers East, are saddened and outraged by the recent assassination of Haitian…
Jul 23, 2021
The 450,000 healthcare workers of 1199SEIU, United Healthcare Workers East, are saddened and outraged by the recent assassination of Haitian…
Jul 23, 2021
The 450,000 healthcare workers of 1199SEIU, United Healthcare Workers East, are saddened and outraged by the recent assassination of Haitian…
Jul 23, 2021
The 450,000 healthcare workers of 1199SEIU, United Healthcare Workers East, are saddened and outraged by the recent assassination of Haitian…
Jul 23, 2021
The 450,000 healthcare workers of 1199SEIU, United Healthcare Workers East, are saddened and outraged by the recent assassination of Haitian…
Jul 23, 2021
UM Capital Region Medical Center, meet your newest Delegate, RN Tamara Burgess and wish her a happy work anniversary! Tamara has been a…
Jul 20, 2021
MIAMI---Members 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East rallied in Miami to show unity with Cuban citizens demanding freedom and fairness…
Jul 15, 2021
Recent events in Haiti and Cuba have shocked and saddened us. They remind us of the critical importance of democracy around the world and…
Jul 15, 2021
In a sign of how well the Biden Administration has tackled the pandemic, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urged…
Jul 15, 2021
We are proud to welcome 53 new members who work in the Mount Alverno nursing home at the St Anthony’s Community Hospital in Warwick, New…

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