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Dec 5, 2020
1999 Was a Banner Year
Nov 30, 2020
Livingston Hills Nursing Home workers, members of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, and their supporters are critically concerned…
Nov 30, 2020
This holiday season, I'm more grateful than ever to be part of our union family with you. THANK YOU for showing what it means to be…
Nov 2, 2020
Tomorrow is election day. It’s the last push to the polls in an election that could be a turning point for Floridians and all Americans. Eva…
Nov 2, 2020
Hospitals don’t stay in good working order on their own. It takes crews of experienced professionals who can manage complicated systems, fix…
Oct 29, 2020
Member political organizer (MPO) Sophia Colley remembers when the Obama Administration, led by President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe…
Oct 28, 2020
1199SEIU members know that we are at a historic turning point where the stakes have rarely been as high for health care and workers’ rights.…
Oct 27, 2020
Dozens of workers at Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center (NFMMC) in Niagara Falls, NY held an informational picket Sept. 30 to call…
Oct 27, 2020
It’s the final stretch before the November 3 election and CNA Kaydra Bonamy is on a mission to get Floridians to vote. As a member political…
Oct 27, 2020
1199SEIU members gathered Sept. 4 to mark National Homecare Day and recognize the contributions and challenges faced by homecare workers…

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