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Apr 29, 2020
Florida’s largest healthcare union, 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, has called on the state government to better protect nursing…
Apr 26, 2020
1199SEIU Position Statement on the Decontamination & Reuse of N-95 Masks
Apr 23, 2020
When a Union of virtually all male pharmacy workers began organizing hospital workers in 1959, they unleashed an army of working women…
Apr 23, 2020
In March, Massachusetts home health workers welcomed Joe Kennedy III and U.S. Senator Ed Markey into their homes to hear about the struggles…
Apr 23, 2020
Dozens of 1199SEIU Florida members recently turned Tallahassee purple this February for Senior Day, one of the most important public events…
Apr 22, 2020
Resources and services to help limit economic hardship during this time
Apr 22, 2020
MIAMI----With COVID-19 surging in Florida, the state’s largest healthcare union, 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, has outlined a…
Apr 22, 2020
1199 is moving from its famed Manhattan headquarters on West 43rd St., but the building’s proud history lives on.
Apr 22, 2020
Talk to residents of Baltimore and DC about the candidates who will make our cities work for working people.
Apr 22, 2020
Info for workers furloughed or laid off due to COVID-19

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