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Jun 12, 2019
Find out everything you need to know about buying a home - or keeping the one you're in - at our next 1199SEIU Financial Wellness and Home…
Jun 12, 2019
1199SEIU released the following statement today praising a landmark agreement reached this evening to help protect renters in New York…
Jun 11, 2019
Community advocates, medical professionals and labor leaders Monday urged Long Island’s state Senate delegation to support a bill legalizing…
Jun 10, 2019
Landlords and developers, fending off a new Democratic majority and proposed rent laws, have adopted some of the tactics of their…
Jun 10, 2019
1199SEIU represents over 700 Registered Nurses at Brooklyn’s Brookdale Medical Center and its associated long term care facility, the…
Jun 10, 2019
Hundreds of 1199SEIU retirees gathered in Orlando, FL on April 16 to shake a tail feather and celebrate the Division’s growth. The Union’s…
Jun 10, 2019
Safe and affordable housing is foundational for physical and mental health, affirmed a recent study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.…
Jun 7, 2019
The Maryland/DC Division of 1199 recently threw a special housewarming party for Johns Hopkins floor tech Simone Hicks, who this spring…
Jun 7, 2019
New collective bargaining agreements at Vassar Brothers Medical Center and Orange Regional Medical Center are a demonstration of increasing…
Jun 5, 2019
In the labor movement, as across the rest of society, acceptance of climate change and its effects has been a mixed bag. But increasingly…

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