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Apr 9, 2019
The City Council is moving quickly to pass a “green buildings” bill that would dramatically reduce the carbon emissions of every building in…
Apr 5, 2019
As PCAs, we care for Massachusetts. Every day, we enter the homes of those who are family or who have become like family to ensure they are…
Apr 5, 2019
Tell Governor Baker to Invest in Home Care for Seniors and People with Disabilities
Apr 2, 2019
The proposed $550 million in Medicaid cuts ($1.1 billion with Federal matching funds) have been restored to the State budget, and there is…
Apr 1, 2019
1199SEIU President George Gresham released the following statement today regarding the passage of the FY2020 New York State budget
Mar 29, 2019
New York, NY- As New York State’s budget deadline gets closer, and as Washington tries to destroy the Affordable Care Act in the courts, on…
Mar 28, 2019
A federal judge in Washington threw a significant roadblock into the Trump administration’s efforts to compel poor people on Medicaid to…
Mar 27, 2019
The 1199SEIU Women’s Caucus came together to mark International Women’s Day with a vibrant costume parade celebrating the diversity of…
Mar 27, 2019
It’s a promising new drug for multiple myeloma, one of the most savage blood cancers. Called Ninlaro, it can be taken as a pill, sparing…
Mar 26, 2019
George Gresham was born in Virginia and his family moved north to New York City when he was young. His mother was a homecare worker, and his…

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