1199 Demands Immigration Reform

November 26, 2013

"As healthcare workers in some of the most diverse places in America, we at 1199SEIU are proud to be a part of a nation that thrives through the energy and hard work of immigrants. Some of us are immigrants who came here in order to make a better life for ourselves and our families. Many nurses and caregivers are immigrants, and our country needs these dedicated workers in order to offer culturally competent, quality care to all. Yet, every day, immigrant families who have been contributing to our country for years are torn apart by cruel and outdated laws.

We are outraged about Speaker Boehner’s recent announcement that he is unwilling to work with the U.S. Senate on comprehensive immigration reform. Our country wouldn’t work as well as it does without the toil of recent and past immigrants, yet the speaker and other House Republicans have overtly refused to work with Democrats on comprehensive immigration reform.

We are shocked that House Republicans have not learned their lesson. This year, we have given speaker Boehner the opportunity to get his party back on track with Latino, Asian American and immigrant voters, but instead he has chosen to listen to a far-right minority in his party and fail the American people. We will not back down. We will continue to put pressure on the House and Senate to give us a vote on citizenship.”