IV Therapy & Phlebotomy Program
January 7, 2020
Monday, April 27, 2020
8AM - 4:30PM
Jamaica Hospital Medical Center
134-20 Jamaica Avenue
The Axel Building, 4th Fl
Jamaica, NY 11418
The seminar/workshop is designed to offer nurses who are interested in enhancing their skills and knowledge in the principles and practices of starting and maintaining an intravenous line and intravenous therapy.
Program Objectives
• Identify the concepts of IV therapy and phlebotomy
• Describe the nursing care and maintenance associated with IV therapy.
• Identify adverse effects related to IV therapy and phlebotomy.
• Demonstrate safe phlebotomy technique.
CONFIRMATIONS: We will provide an email confirmation of your pre-registrations and we assume no responsibility for you not showing up in a timely manner. It is the registrants’ responsibility to confirm attendance, date, time and location if it’s necessary. Please contact Isabel Rodriguez if you have not received you confirmation regarding this or other of our continuing Education classes at (212) 857-4315 or email: isabelr@1199.org