Michigan House OKs “Right-to-Work For Less” Bills as Thousands of Protesters Rally at State Capitol

December 11, 2012

The Michigan House of Representatives has passed two so-called right to work bills, that will affect both public and private sector employees. Republican Governor Rick Snyder, who previously said he would not support anti-worker legislation has vowed to sign the legislation despite massive protests and grievous consequences for the state’s entire workforce, union and non-union employees. Thousands of people rallied outside the state Capitol in Lansing with many participating in a peaceful civil disobedience action, to protest passage of the laws. The state police were present, with several incidents of protestors being pepper sprayed.

Once the Governor signs the bills, Michigan will become the 24th state “right-to-work” state. President Obama opposes such legislation, stating in Michigan on Monday, “The right to work laws are just a way to make sure you have the right to work for less.”

Media Coverage

» Michigan Governor Falsely Claims Anti-Union Law Would Bring ‘More And Better Jobs’ To His State, ThinkProgress.org

» Michigan House passes anti-union bill, Daily Kos