Statement of George Gresham, President of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East On Governor Cuomo's Call To Reduce Marijuana Stop & Frisk Arrests

June 5, 2012

“We applaud Governor Cuomo on his initiative to reduce the number of marijuana possession arrests here in New York. For far too long, Blacks and Latinos have faced higher rates of arrest for marijuana possession -- arrest rates that can be attributed to the racial profiling permitted by New York City’s ‘Stop & Frisk’ policy.

While the initiative is a step forward in the right direction, more is needed to reduce the effects of ‘Stop & Frisk,’ which disproportionately targets young Black and Latino men. This is an issue important to our communities as the young men who are so often targeted are our sons, brothers, nephews -- future fathers and community leaders.

That's why on Father's Day, June 17th, 1199SEIU will join with civil rights, faith, labor and community groups in a silent march to raise awareness on the City's stop & frisk policy. We urge all New Yorkers concerned about the future of our children and safety in our communities to march with us on Father's day to take a stand against racial profiling."