The Hero Teachers of Newtown; Teachers Are First Responders

December 19, 2012

Last week's horrible and heartbreaking massacre of 20 little children and 6 schoolteachers and administrators has dominated the news. The media has covered it story from nearly every angle. Missing, however, was acknowledgment that teachers have been under political and economic assault by the same media and politicians on every level, from federal to local. In particular, teachers' unions have been under attack as a selfish "special interest" drain on public resources. Four of the six adults who died at Newtown saving their children--and all of the other teachers who survived protecting theirs--are members of their union. They are their union. Here are a couple of stories about that:

The Hero Teachers of Newtown

by Diane Ravitch

December 17, 2012

Diane Ravitch's Blog

The First First Responders: Teachers Stand on the Front Lines Every Day

by Deborah Dunton

December 18, 2012

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette