Political Action Center

With only five weeks to go to Election Day, 1199 “Weekend Warriors”—member volunteers who bus on Saturdays to battleground states to register and educate voters—are stepping up the pace of their efforts.

Over the past two weekends, 1,083 union members have travelled from Maryland and Washington DC to Virginia; from downstate New York and the Hudson Valley/Capital Region to eastern Pennsylvania; from central and western New York to Erie, PA; and from Albany and Massachusetts to New Hampshire.

In Florida, another swing state, hundreds of 1199 members are working weekends to register voters and convince them to re-elect President Obama.

Massachusetts members are both travelling on Saturdays to New Hampshire, a battleground state, and staying put in their own state to elect Elizabeth Warren to the US Senate. Warren’s is perhaps the most closely watched Senate contest in the country.

Upstate New York and Hudson Valley members are also focused on five heated Congressional races.

The past two Saturdays have seen 1199ers in the battleground states knock or nearly 40,000 doors and make contact with almost 10,000 potential voters, registering hundreds of new voters and getting thousands of them to pledge to vote for President Obama.

The Weekend Warriors will continue their efforts every Saturday in October. 1199 members who wish to volunteer should contact their Delegates and Organizer.

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