Political Action Center

199SEIU Leadership Body Votes Unanimously to Oppose the Construction and Operation of Gas Storage Facility near Seneca Lake

“ … 1199SEIU Executive Committee recognizes the importance of Seneca Lake to the State of New York and the surrounding community as a drinking water source, for recreation, as a natural habitat, and in supporting the thriving tourism and wine making industry of the Finger Lakes Region …”

A resolution that urges Governor Cuomo and the state’s Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to deny permission for storage of liquid propane gas (LPG) in salt caverns directly next to Seneca Lake in Schuyler County was passed unanimously this week by the full Executive Committee of 1199SEIU, United Healthcare Workers East, the powerful healthcare workers union. The resolution was brought to the committee by the upstate 1199SEIU officers and leaders who represent many of the thousands of healthcare workers who live and work in the Finger Lakes region.

“1199SEIU stands for addressing the crisis of climate change, and with that in mind we supported Gov. Cuomo’s decision to ban the dangerous process of fracking in New York State. Now, a Texas-based corporation, Crestwood Midstream, plans to store LPG next to Seneca Lake and much of this will be trucked in or carried by railcars from fracking operations from out of state. This is unacceptable. We must demand that our political leaders and government stand to protect our environment, the health of our communities and to move toward renewable and sustainable methods of energy production,” said 1199SEIU Executive Vice President, George Kennedy.

The resolution notes that the transport and storage of LPG along the shores of Seneca Lake, and the potential for accidents, threatens not only the natural beauty of the area, but also the drinking water for tens of thousands of people. “The risk to the environment is too great to allow this project to go forward,” said 1199SEIU Vice President Todd Hobler. “1199 is proud to support the efforts of hundreds of committed activists across the region who have had the courage to stand up to Crestwood and protest its pursuit of profit at the expense of the health of our communities.”

Yvonne Taylor, co-founder and Vice President of the environmental group Gas Free Seneca said she was grateful to learn of the resolution passed by 1199SEIU. “The first principle of the Hippocratic Oath is to do no harm. By asking Governor Cuomo to deny Crestwood’s permits for this ill-conceived gas storage plan, the members of this union have made a strong statement in support of protecting our environment and moving New York away from depending on dirty fossil fuels and toward renewable energy.”

Twenty-eight local legislative bodies across the surrounding area have gone on record in their opposition and passed resolutions in opposition to the Crestwood Midstream project. The DEC’s final decision is expected shortly.

“Permitting the storage of LPG on Seneca Lake is not in the health or economic interest of our members and threatens the tourism and wine industries which are so important to this area,” said Kennedy. “1199 is calling on New York State to do the right thing and deny the Crestwood permits.”

1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East is the largest and fastest-growing healthcare union in America. We represent over 400,000 nurses and caregivers throughout New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, Washington, D.C. and Florida. Our mission is to achieve quality care and good jobs for all.

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