Political Action Center

Nurse assistants, childcare workers, airport workers, security guards, adjunct professors, homecare workers & others will speak about their personal struggles to survive and feed their children on poverty wages

Albany, NY - 15 workers will hold a “Low-Wage Worker Speak-Out” in the Capitol building on Tuesday, March 15 to talk about their personal struggles to survive on poverty wages as low as $9 an hour. They will describe working full-time and having two or three jobs but still having to rely on government assistance such as food stamps to feed their children. 95% of workers who make less than $15 are 20 years or older, 66% work full-time and 33% have children. Workers are supporting the $15 minimum wage, which will raise up more than 3 million working New Yorkers, boost the state economy, address inequality and help advance the American Dream of rewarding hard work with fair pay. They are calling on the state legislature to listen to the strong majority of New Yorkers and pass the $15 minimum wage by the end of this month.

The speakers will include Albany area residents as well as other workers who are travelling to the capital on buses from all over the state. After the “Worker Speak-Out,” they will head over to the massive rally with thousands of workers in the Empire State Plaza at Noon.

15 Low-Wage Workers Speak-Out for $15

When: Tuesday, March 15 at 10:30 AM

Where: East Gallery, FDR historical display

State Capitol Building, 2nd floor, Albany, NY

Massive Rally with Thousands for the $15 Minimum Wage

When: Tuesday, March 15 at 12 Noon

Where: Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY


The NY Fight For $15 Coalition is comprised of over 100 community organizations, faith groups and unions that are determined to pass the $15 statewide minimum wage to raise working families and boost the economy. More info at RaiseTheWageNY.org

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