Political Action Center

» Harder for Americans to Rise From Lower Rungs | » Survey Finds Rising Perception of Class Tension

Remember that American Dream that was spoon-fed to you growing up? Well it should be renamed ‘the Canadian Dream’ or ‘the European Dream.’ According to this January 4th NY Times article, “Harder for Americans to Rise From Lower Rungs,” our peers in Western Europe and Canada enjoy a lot more economic mobility than we do. And people are catching onto the fact that this American Dream is a fantasy for everyone but the 1%.

According to another Times article published on January 11th, “Survey Finds Rising Perception of Class Tension,” a recent poll revealed that most Americans see strong tensions between the rich and poor. How shocking that people who have been struggling all of their lives are a little peeved at the privileged few, most of whom (to quote Lady Gaga) were “born that way.”

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