Political Action Center

Healthcare workers from 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East and registered nurses from the New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA) are taking their fight for safe patient care to the community with a candlelight vigil outside of the hospital on Thursday, December 17. Thursday’s action comes as healthcare workers and nurses have been trying to negotiate a fair and reasonable contract with the management of Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home. Their proposals include living wages, affordable health and retirement benefits and economic security for all employees.

WHAT: A candlelight vigil calling for fair contracts for healthcare workers and registered nurses

WHO: NYSNA registered nurses and caregivers, 1199SEIU healthcare workers, patient advocates, labor allies, elected officials, community supporters WHERE: In front of Nathan Littauer Hospital, 99 East State Street, Gloversville, NY

WHEN: Thursday, December 17 starting at 5:00 p.m.

PHOTO, AUDIO AND VIDEO OPPORTUNITIES: NYSNA registered nurses, 1199SEIU healthcare workers and community leaders will be at hand for media interviews

Management’s proposals threaten to compromise the quality and safety of patient care within the Gloversville community.

"We're uniting for our patients and we're asking management to care for those that take care of the Gloversville community. Our members are focused on achieving a contract that includes enforceable and safe staffing levels at Nathan Littauer; that protects the continuity and quality of care for our patients; and that provides secure health and retirement policies for all healthcare workers and nurses," said Marion Enright, a registered nurse at Nathan Littauer Hospital. "We went into this profession to be patient advocates. That’s what this candlelight vigil is all about. By 1199SEIU and NYSNA coming together, with the community, we are posing a challenge to a company that has put profits before Gloversville patients.”

"If you care about our community’s hospital and the patients who depend on it, how can you not pay attention to the well-being of the workers and caregivers who make it run? We don’t only work here — we're also part of the community - we count on Nathan Littauer, our families have counted on the hospital for generations,” said Carmie Digiacomo, who works in Housekeeping at the hospital. “No one is asking for anything extraordinary or unreasonable. If you respect the work that we do, there is no question that we deserve livable wages, affordable health care and secure retirement. Everyone benefits when its community hospital is a beacon for quality healthcare and good stable jobs. No one should settle for less from Nathan Littauer."

1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East is the largest and fastest-growing healthcare union in America. We represent over 450,000 nurses and caregivers throughout Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Washington, D.C. and Florida. Our mission is to achieve quality care and good jobs for all. More info: www.1199SEIU.org

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