Political Action Center

Nurses Propose Fixing Legal Loophole to Protect Patients and Their Professional Licenses

TALLAHASSEE, FL – As many Florida for-profit hospitals receive low scores for the number of infections and patient re-admittance within 30 days, under the new standards set forth by the Affordable Care Act, registered nurses and licensed caregivers are sounding the alarm over a dangerous, growing trend regarding patient care. According to Florida’s Nurse Practice Act, licensed caregivers can be disciplined by the Florida Board of Nursing if they take patient assignments that they are not trained or licensed to perform. At the same time, caregivers can also be disciplined and/or fired by their employer for insubordination if they refuse an assignment to comply with state law. Nurses and licensed respiratory techs are asking state lawmakers to stand with them in protecting patients and their professional licenses.

WHO: State Senator Maria Sachs (D-Delray Beach), State Representative Gwyn Clarke-Reed (D-Pompano Beach), Nurses and Respiratory Tech members of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East – Florida

WHAT: Press Conference to announce support for Protection for Licensed Caregivers bill

WHEN: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at 12:30 PM

WHERE: In front of Senate Chambers, Florida State Capitol

“I can’t imagine the mental stress and anguish that some of our vital caregivers are experiencing when faced with following the law and protecting patients versus potentially losing their jobs or being disciplined,” said State Senator Maria Sachs. “I, frankly, was shocked to hear this. As legislators, we have to ensure that the necessary laws are in place to protect hardworking nurses and other licensed caregivers, especially when they are advocating for patients. No corporate policy should trump state law.”

Registered nurses and respiratory techs from South Florida hospitals will join Sen. Sachs, Rep. Clarke-Reed and other state legislators to share their stories in support of the “Protection for Licensed Caregivers” bill (S.B. 1258 and H.B. 1019) that would close this dubious loophole that has hung over the heads of licensed caregivers, including registered nurses, for years.

“Asking a non-critical care nurse to work in a critical care area, like ICU, is like asking a plastic surgeon to perform open-heart surgery,” said Sheila Cherfrere, a South Florida nurse with more than 10 years experience and member of 1199SEIU Florida. “Our nurses and caregivers go the extra mile to care for us and our families when we need it most. We are standing up for our patients and our professions by demanding that we not be disciplined when we refuse an assignment we are not licensed to perform. This isn’t rocket science, and we need to ensure that we, as caregivers, can work in an environment where we can deliver the best care possible and advocate for our patients without the threat of discipline or being fired.”

The members of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, one of the fastest growing unions in the country, are also battling corporate initiatives, like reducing supplies to save money, short staffing in high-acuity units, shortening of work days and a for-profit structure that increasingly forces caregivers to do more with less at work and at home, all in the name of more profits.

“As a state, we all want our hospitals that care for our communities to be as profitable as possible,” said Monica Russo, executive vice president of 1199SEIU. “However, profits cannot come at the expense of quality care. For far too long, Tallahassee has been willing to find ways to benefit the healthcare industry’s profitability without really looking at the impact on quality of care. That must change, and this bill would be a start.”

1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East represents more than 25,000 nurses and healthcare workers throughout Florida and 400,000 workers across Massachusetts, New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Florida, and Washington, D.C. 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East is the largest and fastest-growing healthcare union in America. Our mission is to achieve affordable, high quality healthcare for all. 1199SEIU is part of the 2.1 million-member Service Employees International Union.

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