Political Action Center

Today, Governor Cuomo displayed his leadership in taking concrete steps to address the key crisis of our time: the widening gap between rich and poor, not only in income but in key community services. His call for an increase in the minimum wage lifted the spirits of low-wage workers, including tens of thousands of home care workers who provide the support that allows seniors and people with disabilities to live independently. And his willingness to invest significant capital dollars in our safety net hospitals to ensure vital services are available to low-income New Yorkers was a bold step that will help make our healthcare system a model for the future.

- Kevin Finnegan, Political Director - 1199SEIU


With over 400,000 members in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, Florida and Washington D.C., 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East is the largest and fastest growing healthcare union in the country. Our mission is to achieve quality healthcare and good jobs for all.

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