Healthcare Workers Endorse Letitia James for NYC Public Advocate!

August 22, 2013

“The healthcare workers of 1199SEIU, NYC’s largest union, are very proud and excited to endorse our sister, Council member Letitia “Tish” James, for Public Advocate. Tish James has consistently stood side by side with working New Yorkers on all the issues that are most important to us.

“Tish has been working hard to try to stop the dangerous closures of hospitals and defend access to quality healthcare and good jobs for New York City. She built support for the successful effort to pass the minimum paid sick day law so we can protect our city’s working families and public health. She has spoken out against racial profiling and Stop and Frisk, which violates civil rights, wastes police resources, causes mistrust in our communities and ultimately makes us all less safe. And Tish James has been one of the most outspoken and effective advocates in our city for safe and affordable housing.

“That is why the 220,000 healthcare workers of 1199SEIU in New York City will be out if full force building support for Tish. Our members are highly engaged in politics, because we know the decisions that are made in City Hall affect our patients, our families and our communities. We have deep roots in our workplaces, our neighborhoods, our children’s schools and our houses or worship, and we will be fanning out across all five boroughs to knock on doors and turn out the vote for Tish James!”

- Maria Castaneda, 1199SEIU Secretary-Treasurer