Hudson Valley Nursing Home Members Rally For Justice and Dignity

May 24, 2013

1199SEIU members at Ferncliff Nursing Home in New York’s Mid-Hudson Valley were angry and unwilling to simply sit back when they learned about the discriminatory action of their employer. “The environment at a nursing home and the dedication and hopefulness of the caregivers are critical to the health and well-being of the residents,” said Darrell Sherman, a union delegate.

“Quality care is delivered and received only when both the residents and their caregivers feel safe and secure. That is why the story of our co-worker, Samantha, is of great concern and why we decided to hold a rally for justice and dignity.”

The events unfolded over the course of several weeks when Samantha was informed by her supervisor that she could not use the bathroom on a nursing home unit, based on unproven allegations that she had vandalized property. The kicker came when, in addition to being accused of something that was unsubstantiated, she was told that she had to use a different bathroom because she did not live in an affluent neighborhood.

In response to the supervisor’s shocking behavior, 1199SEIU filed a grievance regarding the discriminatory action, but the grievance was denied by the employer.

“This case, and others that are currently being investigated, has shaken us,” said Sherman. “Although we continue to serve with the utmost professionalism, the incident and subsequent refusal by management to address the grievance has taken its toll on the morale of the workforce. We thought the best thing to do right now is to speak out and let Samantha know she has a lot of support among her co-workers and community.”

The rally, held in Starr Park in Rhinebeck, was attended by not only Ferncliff workers, but also healthcare workers from other 1199 institutions in the Mid-Hudson Valley, union members of the Hudson Valley Area Labor Federation, local clergy, elected officials, and family and friends.

Joy Lucky, an LPN at nearby River Valley Nursing Home in Poughkeepsie said, “This is not simply about one incident. When we see any injustice, it is our responsibility to stop it immediately. This must never happen again.”

Supporters are urging management to review the grievance and are appealing to them to find an appropriate remedy to the situation, in order to bring back the confidence and security of the caregivers, encourage a more sound and stable environment at the nursing home and begin a healing process between management and the workers.