Labor Board Tries Again to Change Union Rules

February 5, 2014

On Wednesday, February 5, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) proposed rules that would make it easier for workers to decide whether or not to join a labor union.

The proposed rules would allow unions to hold workplace elections more quickly by simplifying procedures, setting shorter deadlines and requiring employers to release lists of employee phone numbers and emails to union leaders before an election. The proposal calls for electronic filing of petitions and other documents and streamlining procedures to reduce unnecessary litigation.

"Unnecessary delay and inefficiencies hurt both employees and employers," said NLRB Chairman Mark Pearce. He said the new proposals would help the process for workers who want union representation, or for unionized workers trying to decertify a union.

The NLRB said in a statement that the new case procedures are aimed at "modernizing processes, enhancing transparency and eliminating unnecessary litigation and delay. The latest proposal was approved by its three Democratic members, which both Republicans dissented.

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