Political Action Center

“New Yorkers, like all Americans, are more and more weary of violations of our personal privacy by government and big business. So it is deeply disturbing that New York Republicans would place a GPS tracking device on the family car of Assemblyman Edward Hennessey (D-Suffolk) and place his property under surveillance, as part of an unsuccessful attempt to get him removed from the ballot. These kinds of tactics by government leaders, especially from a party that claims to oppose “big government,” are extremely troubling. We urge New Yorkers not to donate to New York Republicans as their contributions may be used for dirty tricks. We also call on New York Republicans to reveal if any other elected officials have been or are currently under surveillance, and promise not to use these tactics moving forward.” Kevin Finnegan, Political Director of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East.


1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East is the largest and fastest-growing healthcare union in New York and the nation. We represent over 250,000 healthcare workers in New York State, and over 400,000 total members throughout the East Coast. Our mission is to achieve quality care and good jobs for all.

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