Political Action Center


June 28, 2012, 12:30 p.m. EST

Contact: Jeff Hall, 617-281-8384, jeff.hall@1199.org

Twitter: @1199mass

1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East

Massachusetts healthcare workers cheer Supreme Court decision to uphold Affordable Care Act

BOSTON, MA – Veronica Turner, Executive Vice President of the largest union of healthcare workers in Massachusetts, released the following statement today reacting to the Supreme Court decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act.

1199SEIU caregivers were major proponents of the Massachusetts state healthcare reform law that has increased health coverage to 98% of the Bay State’s population, and have been longtime advocates for national reforms to ensure quality, affordable care for all.

“Today, Massachusetts healthcare workers are celebrating, because we know firsthand that Massachusetts health reform has saved lives – and that moving forward, national health reform will do the same. Our mission as healthcare workers is to ensure quality, affordable access to healthcare for our patients and today is a significant step forward towards that goal and vision.

1199SEIU caregivers understand first-hand the deadly consequences that result from a lack of access to quality healthcare and we have committed ourselves for years to combatting those unnecessary deaths through sensible reforms to our healthcare system.

As healthcare workers, we feel that for too long, Republicans like Speaker Boehner, Mitt Romney, and Scott Brown have put their political careers ahead of working Americans struggling to afford and keep their healthcare. The Supreme Court has rejected that cynical approach and today’s ruling is a resounding win for caregivers, patients, and working families alike.

In hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare workplaces across the state, 1199SEIU members are cheering and celebrating – knowing that we are one important step closer towards ensuring affordable, quality healthcare access for all.”

– Veronica Turner, 1199SEIU Executive Vice President, 1199SEIU

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Representing more than 46,000 healthcare workers throughout Massachusetts, and 370,000 workers in Massachusetts, New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Florida, and Washington, D.C., 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East is the largest and fastest-growing healthcare union in America. Our mission is to achieve affordable, high quality healthcare for all. 1199SEIU is part of the 2.1 million member Service Employees International Union.

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