The 99% Rally on May Day

May 3, 2012

A large contingent of 1199SEIU members was among those who joined the thousands who rallied in Manhattan’s Union Square then marched to Wall St. as part of this year’s May Day celebration and call by the Occupy Wall Street movement to a national day of action. Scores of community groups, labor union and progressive organizations were represented at the rally, which was attended by a crowd so large it spilled over onto the sidewalks around Union Square Park. Speakers included elected officials, l

abor leaders and entertainers like rapper Immortal Technique and Rage Against the Machine’s Tom Morello.

“Labor gets this day to be recognized here, just like in countries all around the world,” said Gladys Bruno, contract administrator at Brooklyn’s Lutheran Hospital. “This is telling the world that working people are here to stay. The working class is being attacked here all over. This rally gives us a chance to expose that.”

May Day, the International Workers Day and a holiday in many countries, had not been celebrated in the U.S. That began to change several years ago when immigrant rights groups began holding May Day marches.

After the Union Square rally, demonstrators estimated by the NY Civil Liberties Union to number 30,000 marched down Broadway to Wall Street. The procession included bands, people in costumes, families with children, labor union members, students, and many others who proudly participated declaring their membership in the 99%.

“Occupy is the best thing to happen to this country in a long time,” said Sammy Sierra, also from Lutheran Hospital. “Everyone walks around like things are ok. They’re not ok. Now this movement can be seen all over the world. The sleeping giant has awoken.”