Newly Elected Officials Hear from 1199 Member Leaders

March 7, 2019

In 2018, 1199 members in Massachusetts helped elect healthcare champions who share our values and understand our priorities. With a new legislative session, the 1199 Massachusetts Executive Board (elected officers and rank-and-file members) took the opportunity on Wednesday, February 27th to meet with those champions and other newly elected officials.

This meeting allowed member leaders to provide an introduction to our work and political action program as well to share our priorities for the 2019-2020 legislative session. To win our issues agenda, our path forward is centered on building awareness and support among each other and our elected officials.

The next step to building power is to make our voices heard at our Annual Healthcare Worker Advocacy Day on Wednesday, May 15th. Join us on May 15th to make sure healthcare worker voices are heard as the legislature debates the bills and budgets that affect our jobs and quality care at every stage of life. RSVP with your 1199 Admin Organizer or here:

“As a healthcare worker and member of 1199, my voice matters. It was a great opportunity to meet with my elected officials and share my insight on what is needed to protect quality care especially at our community hospitals. I urge members to join me on May 15th for our Annual Healthcare Advocacy Day to make your voice heard too.” Narkeya Washington, 1199 Massachusetts E-Board Member from Carney Hospital.