NYC May Day March Draws Thousands Calling For Immigration Reform

May 2, 2013

Thousands of people gathered in Union Square in lower Manhattan on May 1 for a May Day rally and march that called for the reform of the nation’s broken immigration system and the release of the country’s economy from its current corporate and right-wing stranglehold.

The rally and subsequent march to Foley Square was sponsored by the Labor Rights, Immigrant Rights and Jobs For All Coalition, which includes 1199SEIU, Local 32BJSEIU, the United Federation of Teachers, the NY Immigration Coalition and many other unions, community and grassroots educational groups.

Speakers included participants from the labor community, young people, artists, students and immigration reform activists. All talked passionately about the need for change and the reality of immigration in the United States today.

“We want people to be able to come here and raise their families,” said Camille Rivera, director of United NY. “The dream of immigration has become a nightmare for so many of them because there are people in Congress who are standing with them and people who are not. Today is not just about showing up. It’s about taking action.”

May Day made Union Square and Broadway a colorful sea of flags, signs, and posters. It was also a reminder of how much work there is to be done; the numerous banners were like a map of progressive battle fronts, among them were flags calling for justice for immigrants, reproductive freedom, an end to the sequester, relief for massive student debt, the closure of Guantanamo Bay and marriage equality.

“We have to keep May Day alive now more than ever. With all the cutbacks and things going on like stop and frisk, it’s more important than ever that we be here,” said 1199SEIU retiree Anne Pruden, as she prepared to step onto Broadway and march.