Political Action Center

Radio ads running with Pulitzer Prize winning writer Junot Diaz, Russell Simmons & John Leguizamo as caregivers fan out across all five boroughs to support the authentic progressive candidate for working NYers

*** Interviews with caregivers participating in GOTV ground operation are available upon request ***

New York City- The city’s largest union, 1199SEIU, has been mobilizing hundreds of healthcare workers to fan out across the boroughs and knock on doors to elect Bill de Blasio the next mayor. The union has also launched an all-out ad blitz that includes radio ads on the top news, Spanish language and urban stations; full page newspaper ads in the Daily News, El Diario and other papers; and a massive phone-banking, mail and online operation. The radio ads, robo-calls and emails include messages from Pulitzer Prize winning writer Junot Diaz, Russell Simmons and John Leguizamo, as well as everyday frontline healthcare workers.

Healthcare workers are fired up to elect Bill de Blasio and affirm his vision of a city where there is fairness and opportunity for everyone, including affordable housing; an end to racial profiling; good jobs with paid sick days and a living wage; access to community healthcare; immigrant rights; and taxing the 1% to invest in universal pre-k and afterschool programs.

“I’m a healthcare worker and a grandmother, and I am so excited to be getting out the vote for the true progressive leader, Bill de Blasio,” said Everett Mills, who has been a certified nurse assistant at a Queens nursing home for 22 years. “Bill is the candidate willing to talk honestly about the inequality facing our city and the need to ask the wealthy to contribute a little more so we can invest in universal pre-k. I’m out knocking on doors so we elect Bill de Blasio and make sure there are living wages and quality healthcare services for all New Yorkers.”

1199SEIU members are some of the most politically engaged residents of the city, and are deeply connected to their workplaces, children’s schools, places of worship and communities. Much of the GOTV effort has focused on the over 100,000 1199SEIU members in New York City who are registered Democrats.

“I have a passion for caring, I truly love providing healthcare, and I’m bringing that passion and love to the doors for Bill de Blasio,” said Margaret Passley, an East Flatbush mother who has been a homecare worker for 25 years. “We’re out in full force until the polls close, because Bill has consistently stood up for quality homecare for seniors and good jobs for caregivers. Now we’re knocking on doors for Bill de Blasio, letting people know he’s stands for all working people in all boroughs of the city.”

“There’s a real sense of momentum and electricity for Bill de Blasio in the city right now, because he’s the authentic progressive leader talking about inequality, and that’s why our members are going all out in this home stretch,” said George Gresham, President of 1199SEIU. “We’re phone banking, knocking on doors, reaching out online, advertising and sending out mail, letting New Yorkers know that Bill de Blasio is the only candidate with the vision to move our city forward for working people.”


1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East is the largest union in New York and the largest healthcare union in the nation. We represent over 200,000 healthcare workers in New York City, and over 400,000 total members along the East Coast. Our mission is to achieve quality care and good jobs for all

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