Photo Exhibit Celebrates 1199 Members’ Work on de Blasio Campaign

December 21, 2013

The photo exhibit “Member To Member” opened December 18 at 1199SEIU’s Bread and Roses Gallery in Manhattan. The exhibit is a selection of images by 1199 photographers Jim Tynan and Belinda Gallegos that celebrate the contribution of 1199ers in helping Bill de Blasio the New York City Mayoral race.

De Blasio’s victory is credited in large part to the hard work and dedication of 1199 members and their power to bring out voters. Tynan and Gallegos were there every step of the way to document 1199ers’ work for de Blasio--from the Union’s May endorsement press conference on the steps of New York City Hall to canvassing and joyful celebrations on Election Night.

About two dozen campaign volunteers attended the show’s opening, including Angelika Kogan, a Delegate from Far Rockaway Homecare in Queens, and Elaine Gibson, a direct care worker form United Cerebral Palsy in the Bronx.

“This really shows that the people have the power,” says Kogan, who worked in southeast Queens for de Blasio. “Our hard work is shown here today. I’m glad this gallery is open and we get to see the work we did from door to door. Maybe it will encourage people to become new Delegates and people who feel they can’t speak up to just speak up a little bit more.”

Gibson, who was photographed on Election Day leafleting at the Bronx’s Pelham Parkway train station, smiled broadly as she looked at her photo.

“It was just a wonderful day. The people were great,” she says. “I was ecstatic. I knew in my heart he was going to win and as people would take the flyers they’d tell me he had it in the bag.”

Member to Member is on display at the Bread and Roses Gallery at the Union’s Manhattan headquarters until January 31. For more information contact Bonita Savage at or call 212.261.2290.