Political Action Center

Sign the Petition Calling On Justice Dept. to File Civil Rights Charges in Trayvon Martin Case

Jul 17, 2013

Recently, NAACP President Ben Jealous sent an email out, urging everyone to sign a petition which calls on the Department of Justice to file civil rights charges against George Zimmerman in the murder of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin. In the span of three days, the petition reached over 1 million signatures. Please read the message below, and then sign the petition!

On Saturday, a jury acquitted George Zimmerman. But we are not done demanding justice for Trayvon Martin.

We're calling on the U.S. Justice Department to open a civil rights case against George Zimmerman and have launched a petition to Attorney General Eric Holder. The petition says:

The Department of Justice has closely monitored the State of Florida's prosecution of the case against George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin murder since it began. Today, with the acquittal of George Zimmerman, it is time for the Department of Justice to act.

The most fundamental of civil rights—the right to life—was violated the night George Zimmerman stalked and then took the life of Trayvon Martin. We ask that the Department of Justice file civil rights charges against Mr. Zimmerman for this egregious violation.

Please address the travesties of the tragic death of Trayvon Martin by acting today. Thank you.

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.


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